Letter to a young person. Reposted.
You are a smart person. You know this. You also have ambitions and talents that can be readily trained and developed for your future. But you probably don't know quite how your desires and talents will fit into the "real world". From what I've seen, I think the following steps are the ways to succeed and be happy in your career life: 1 - find out what sparks your interests, what motivates you to actually DO things on your own! 2 - look to the world and see how that talent/interest/passion was/is/or could be used 3 - get the credentials or training that field requires as entry requirements 4 - pursue your interest/field with a passion! 5 - if what you're doing becomes tedious, boring, uninspiring - go to step 1 and start over A study of self-made millionaires was made to find out what they most had in common. The millionaires were both well educated and poorly educated, wealthy and poor initially, from inspiring and uninspiring familie...